August 2

Play with FEAR


Play with FEAR

As the quote from Paulo Coehlo suggests, we have to step out of our safe ‘harbour’ to fulfil our real purpose.  Our own concerns and FEAR can keep us safe and stuck in the harbour, when we should be out on the ocean where the boat is supposed to be.

I know of two acronyms for FEAR and both have their place.  The first is False Evidence Appearing Real, and the second is Face Everything and Rise.

False Evidence Appearing Real is often used to help understand that sometimes what we FEAR is not real.  But I think this puts down FEAR.  It is part of our natural urge for safety and a sensible bias towards negative that will keep us safe and is what has helped to get you here.  For this reason, I think you cannot just think of it as False Evidence.

But if you’re looking to do something different, something new and something powerful, then you will be full face to face with FEAR.  You will now be on the flip side of the phrase ‘What got you here won’t get you there’  When you are on your GRINDing out day by day, you will be on QUESTS that take you out of your comfort zone.  FEAR will be starting to play its ‘keep you safe in the harbour’ card and your body will be feeling all kinds of discomfort and uneasy.  The immediate feeling will be to get out of this and you will fall into quick reactions following old patterns.

The first step is to recognise these signals, and to expand your capacity to feel and stay with this discomfort.  When you can be in the discomfort for a little longer you can start to RESPOND rather than react.  You can then start to break the old patterns, that were instrumental in getting you there, but no longer relevant to get you THERE.  You can start forming NEW patterns.  This is how you can PLAY with FEAR.

To build a business that is made to last, you will need to begin to PLAY with FEAR and the second acronym – Face Everything and RISE!

Also checkout this classic book on Fear – Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

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