June 4

Best Kept Secret


Stop Being A Secret!

Are you the best kept secret? Do the people you can help know you’re around? Do they know what you can do for them?

It’s a busy and noisy market out there, but unlike a market people aren’t going to stroll past your stall, see what you sell and buy. You could have your stall setup in a quiet side street, miles away from the main market with no-one around.

The first step is to really understand who you help, with that you have a clearer understanding where to put up your stall. You have a clearer understanding of the groups to talk to, the platforms that they use, the magazines they read. Your stall will be on the route they walk, not down an empty side street. You will not be hidden, a secret.

So who are your customers? Where do they ‘hang out’? And set up your stall there…

Stop being a secret! Get out there and help people!

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