I’ve been getting lots of questions on the Built to Last Mastermind Limited Time Offer that I recently shared.
So I thought I’d take a moment to answer some of the most common questions people have been asking me, all in one place.
Let’s get started …
What is the Built To Last Mastermind
This is a 12 month program starting for the Summer. Special curated groups of focused will meet regularly to support each other. Over the time the group will help identify:
How to create an INSPIRING top-down long and short term plan and support you as you execute and adjust as andwhen required.
– How to ensure your clients understand what you do, avoiding time wasting and difficult clients
– How to start and build a business even with rubbish credit, through lean business model planning to build interest in your business AND clarify your product or service
– How to keep focus on BUILDING your business even when you feel you don’t have the time and are bogged down with day to day activities
– How to understand your next steps, marketing, advertising and selling, to get more customers and work, turning views into sales
– How to leverage your time, through delegating and outsourcing and building the RIGHT team when the time comes.
– … and much more as you work through your own specific growth plan with the other members of the group!
What is the application process?
We ask that you answer a few questions about your business so that we can see if it’s a good fit for you and the other members of the group. Then you will be invited to book a call to chat, and if accepted, you’ll be invited to join and pay for your place in the mastermind.
Simply click the link here – it’s simple, easy, and only takes a few minutes.
I am very busy at the moment and don't think I will have the time
The meetings are time-boxed., are built to address the most urgent challenges and issues that you are facing at that time, giving you the opportunity to use the experience and expertise of others small business owners in a highly focused and efficient manner.  These leverage your time to get movement and activity on your challenges and growth, making them an extremely valuable way to use your time.
How much does it cost?
The 12 month program is a 4 figure investment.
To make it easier there is a payment plan – with an initial payment of £500 to hold the place and then 6 monthly payments.Â
How does this differ from coaching and mentoring programs?
Having a coach to help explore and navigate through your situation with curiosity and holding you accountable is powerful, but sometimes you need the experience of others outside of your own to help you through a tough challenge. In this case having a mentor is a powerful resource, learning from someone who has been and done ‘that’ is great, but not every scenario is the same, and no ONE expert is right for every scenario.Â
The power of a mastermind combines the power of coaching and mentoring, but many times over through the combined experience and expertise of your fellow members. The members will have been through many more scenarios and you have the option to explore the experience and expertise of a RANGE of different people, together with the power of a coach/facilitator who can also help navigate through your challenges to get to the core.
Click here to apply to join and start leveraging the power of a mastermind
Will it work for me?
We don’t offer a guarantee. This is a 12 month package that requires full commitment from all members of the group, and while we strive to encourage, inspire and hold you all accountable, we cannot guarantee what happens outside the calls. We can’t guarantee what will happen in the economy, if hurricane hits, if we go back into lockdown, etc. etc.
One of our key values is ‘continuous improvement’ and we spend a lot of time ‘inspecting and adapting’. So what we can guarantee is that we will work to improve, to tailor the program to provide the best service to those who are in the program, and that if you put in the effort, you will make more progress than you would if you had continued to struggle on your own.
When being accepted into the Mastermind we are offering the following extra bonuses to support your business growth
BONUS 1:Â No product, no problem –Â
A prototype and Test your first product in 5 days challenge/bootcamp
BONUS 2: Attracting the wrong clients, no problem –
Master your Message Bootcamp – 3 days to create a clear message to attract the right clients you enjoy working with
BONUS 3: No money to grow, no problem –
Masterclass to model your business, creating a lean business plan that will drive interest in your business for potential angels and grants
BONUS 4: Too Busy, No Time, no problem –
Masterclass on your first hire, and outsourcing the work that is holding you back
BONUS 5: Big gap between goals and reality, no problem –
The Ultimate Planning and EXECUTION framework, that will launch your business – 54321…Go!
And finally ...
There is a catch…
Isn’t there always?
There are LIMITED spots on this program, due to the nature of the highly focused mastermind group, and we will be inviting applicants to join on a first-come, first-served basis, so click here to get your application in now!
I can’t wait to see your application