From Dreams to Reality
Designing Your Best Life in the Next 5 Years

With the onset of a new season, it’s the time for me to run through my planning process. Revisiting and refreshing my 5-year vision is a key part of the process. This is the sort of my process, re-imagining a 5-year plan, a inspiring vision that inspires me to play BIG in my yearly, seasonal and daily life.
One of the problems with this are related to the fact that 5 years, while it seems like a short period, is a long time. A lot can happen in 5 years. I bet we’re not where we thought we’d be 5 years ago. (This is written in 2023 – extremely few would have factored in the pandemic and the Ukranian war into their 5 year plan.)
Also we overestimate what we can get done in a year and UNDERestimate the change and transformation in 5 years … and this is because life is not linear, it’s compounding. Today builds on yesterday, tomorrow builds on today.
Another challenge is that we have 60–100 years of data from our lives. So that’s 12–20 5-year data periods to base our expectations on. So when you get to the 50/60 years, you have had a few, and you have a much better, albeit still fuzzy, idea of what 5 years is like than you did when you were 20 and only had a few chunks to base your ideas on.
So how do you make a vision for the 5 years? Well. You dream. What is your best life like? It’s a BEACON, not a goal. It’s a VISION, not a project or a MISSION. So dream. You will certainly be in a different place in 5 years than expected 5 years ago, especially when you take control of your destiny.
So how do you make a vision for the 5 years? Well. You dream. What is your best life like? It’s a BEACON, not a goal. It’s a VISION, not a project or a MISSION. So dream. You will certainly be in a different place in 5 years than expected 5 years ago, especially when you take control of your destiny.
If you’d like to know how you can create an inspiring 5-year vision and bring your A-Game for the next year, the next season, and step by step build towards that vision, with a coach at your side, then book a call to find out how we can help.