Getting Unstuck

Using ChatGPT to Overcome Writer's Block and Create Engaging Content for Your Small Business
Artificial intelligence, AI, is revolutionising the way small businesses operate, from streamlining processes to improving customer service. One area where AI is particularly helpful for small businesses is in content creation. With AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, small business owners can generate fresh ideas and overcome writer’s block to create engaging content that resonates with their target audience. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical tips for small business owners to overcome writer’s block and how AI tools like ChatGPT can assist at each stage.
Training ChatGPT
The quality of the outputs from ChatGPT is related to the information and training you give it. “Garbage In, Garbage Out” is particularly relevant to ChatGPT.
To train ChatGPT, start by providing some basic information about you, your business and your audience. This could include details like your name, your business name, industry, target audience demographics, and any keywords or topics relevant to your business. By adding as much detail to your ‘introduction’, ChatGPT can generate more accurate and relevant prompts and suggestions to assist you in your content creation efforts.
Understand Your Audience and Goals
Before you start writing, it is essential to understand your audience and the goals you want to achieve with your content. This understanding will help you create content that speaks directly to your target audience and meets your business objectives.
AI tools like ChatGPT can be helpful in defining your audience and goals. For instance, you can use ChatGPT to generate a list of questions that your audience may have based on specific keywords or topics. You can also use it to create a list of keywords that align with your business goals. These insights can guide your content creation and help you generate ideas that align with your audience and goals
To understand your audience and goals, you can start by using ChatGPT with generate prompts like:
- “What are the common questions my target audience has about my industry?”
- “What are the main benefits of my product/service for my target audience?”
- “What are some of the challenges my target audience faces and how can my business help?”
Brainstorming Techniques
Brainstorming is a useful technique to generate ideas for your content. It involves listing ideas as they come to mind without any judgment or evaluation. Brainstorming can be done individually or in a group setting.
Using AI tools like ChatGPT can be especially helpful during the brainstorming phase. ChatGPT can act as an extra source of ideas based on specific prompts or topics that you provide. For example, you can input a phrase like “tips for small business owners” and receive a list of potential topics or ideas that align with that phrase.
Another way to use ChatGPT during brainstorming is by using the “autocomplete” feature. This feature predicts the next word or phrase in a sentence and can be used to generate ideas. You can input the start of a sentence, “The most effective way to market my business is…” and see what ChatGPT generates to complete the sentence.
To brainstorm ideas, you can start to use ChatGPT with prompts like:
- “List 10 potential topics related to my business”
- “What are some common misconceptions about my industry and how can I address them?”
- “What are some current trends in my industry that I can write about?”
Planning Your Content
Once you’ve generated some topics and ideas and then picked one to pursue, you can start to plan your content. Planning more often starts by outlining the structure of your content, defining the main points you want to make, and organising your ideas.
ChatGPT can assist at this stage by helping you create outlines. It can also create storyboards, mind maps, and summaries. You can also add your own summaries and outlines and ask ChatGPT to create a visual representation of how those ideas fit together. This can help you see the big picture and organise your content more effectively.
To plan your content, you can use ChatGPT using prompts like:
- “Create an outline for my blog post on [topic]”
- “What are the main points I want to make in my social media post?”
- “What are the key takeaways I want my audience to have from my video?”
Eliminating Distractions
In the modern world, there are distractions everywhere, and these distractions can be a significant impediment to productivity and creativity. It is essential to eliminate as many distractions as possible when you’re trying to overcome writer’s block and create effective content.
There are several things that AI tools like ChatGPT can do to help eliminate distractions. For instance, you can use ChatGPT to suggest tools to block social media sites during your writing time, or create a to-do list of non-writing tasks that you need to complete later. By doing so, you can stay focused on your writing and minimise distractions.
To eliminate distractions, you can use ChatGPT with prompts like:
- “Create a to-do list of non-writing tasks to complete after my writing session”
- “What are some ways I can reduce distractions during my writing session?”
Writing in Short Bursts
Writing in short bursts can be an effective way to overcome writer’s block. Short writing sessions can help you break through mental blocks, stay motivated, and make progress on your content.
ChatGPT can assist with writing in short bursts by giving you writing prompts. With these writing prompts, based on the topic of you content, it can help kickstart your writing and provide direction for your content.
To write in short bursts, you can use ChatGPT with prompts like:
- “Write a short paragraph about [topic]”
- “What are three points I want to make in my social media post?”
- “Write a list of tips related to [topic]”
Editing Later
Separating writing from editing is an important strategy to overcome writer’s block. Focusing on writing first and editing later allows you to generate ideas freely and without judgment. It can also help you stay motivated and make progress on your content.
ChatGPT can be a useful tool for generating rough drafts that you can edit later.
You can also use ChatGPT to refine, edit or suggest edits for YOUR work. It can also rework based on different tones, and different objectives and suggest different ways to refine your own work. Separating writing from editing can help you overcome writer’s block and create content that meets your goals.
To separate writing from editing, you can use ChatGPT use prompts like:
- “Generate a rough draft of my blog post”
- “What are some areas of my content that need improvement?”
- “What are some key points I want to emphasise in my editing process?”
In conclusion, using ChatGPT to improve your understanding of your audience and goals, you can get better ideas for content. Adding ChatGPT to the brainstorming process can introduce another source of ideas. And using it to visualise and plan your content allows you to get a clearer view of where to start. You can also use it to help with eliminating distractions, suggesting topics to encourage writing in short bursts and help with separating writing from editing.
By combining these strategies with the power of AI tools like ChatGPT, you can maximise your creativity and productivity and make the most of your content creation efforts. With practice and persistence, you can overcome writer’s block and create powerful content that helps your customers and grow your business.
(Note: I used the process here with ChatGPT to help with this post and while it took me over half a day to research, edit, and write. Using ChatGPT actually got me out of my head, stopped me from analysis paralysis and being blocked, and actually got me writing this post. So try it and see how it works for you.
BTW another thing that I didn’t use here – as it’s not about writer’s block, is that I posted the finished blog into ChatGPT and asked it to suggest some titles – and playing with the suggestions, I decided on the one for this.
The title image was also my first attempt at using Midjourney 🙂 )
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