Tools I use for managing my mailing lists
I thought that it may be interesting to list some of the tools that I use for building and managing my mailing list.
The first step is to identify and choose your market. My friend Ryan Levesque from the ASK company has a great QUIZ that helps you to identify the sort of business and market that is right for you.
We all know that a ‘lead magnet’ or ‘opt-in’ freebie is a great swap for an email address. So after deciding on your business and market, creating an opt-in freebie is the first step. And there are many steps to take to identify what would be best for your market and what type of opt-in would be best, but there are two tools that I use extensively for creating opt-ins.
- CANVA – great tool for creating forms, small and single page pdfs (and images like the image on this page.)Â
- I am a great believer in the power of a good QUIZ or assessment, and I use for all my QUIZes, (The Business vulnerability QUIZ  – and the new one – the Business superpower QUIZ )  Bucket is currently only available to existing users. But if you would like to know more about both creating a QUIZ as your opt-in, or using then contact me.
And finally to communicate with them there are a number of email marketing software packages out there, but I currently use AWeber to handle the lists, to create campaigns, and other one off emails.
This is by no means an extensive list of the tools available but just the ones that I use myself.