People LOVE taking quizzes and assessments.
Just look at all the quizzes online from the Buzzfeed quizzes to understand which Hogwarts house you belong to through to the more serious assessments like Strengthsfinder, DISC and MBTI.
People love to learn about that ONE special subject – (Me, Myself and I)
Quizzes and assessments give us insight into our strengths and weaknesses (and what Disney Princess or Marvel Superhero you are)…
But more importantly for business, it is a great way to build and scale your business…
With a quiz you can –
- CUT your advertising costs by 30-90%…
- DOUBLE or even TRIPLE your conversion rate…
- And get results 5 to 25 times FASTER.
My friend Ryan Levesque, the best-selling author of ASK and Choose, is the expert when it comes to building quizzes.
He has created a NEW Funnel Type Quiz, that I wanted to share with you. It’s a 2-minute quiz, where you’ll Discover What Type of “Funnel” is Right for Your Business.
Click here to take the 2-minute quiz!
See, based on your type of Business, Industry, Product, and Price Point of what you’re selling…
There are 27+ DIFFERENT marketing funnels that could be right for you.
This 10 Question Quiz will not only tell you WHICH funnel is right for YOUR business…
Ryan will ALSO give you a funnel Template diagramming your funnel…
PLUS a Real Life Case Study to see an example of this exact type of funnel in action!