The Flip Side of the Coin

I’ve been listening to some podcasts about ‘Agile Leadership’ discussing the ‘shadow’ side of some popular leadership styles like ‘thought’ leadership, and ‘heart-centred’ leadership. And during the same online session, I also saw a post about the bad luck from breaking a mirror and it got me thinking about the the metaphor of a two sided coin.
Yin and Yang is another way to describe this. There is no Yin without Yang, no light that doesn’t cast a shadow and with adversity can come with opportunity for great learning and growth.
We have recently come through a tough 18 months, and in many respects we may not be out of the woods yet … although for some there is a glimpse of the edge of the forrest. There has been plenty of discussion about the lessons we have learned, the strength of character and other positives that we can glean from this tough time. But how often do we contemplate the flip side? How often do we recognise the shadow from the good times?
When times are good, prosperity and opportunity are overflowing, we tend to bask in the warmth of the sunny and happy times. I’m not advocating a nervous worry about the impending doom as “Winter is Coming” when we’re lying with a cocktail at the beach. But I am suggesting that there may be some merit being aware of the shadow, the traps that may be hidden in complacency that comes from relaxing in the happy times.
Back to the lessons from the last 18 months, no-one expects the Spanish Inquisition … or a Global Pandemic, unless you are Bill Gates. So as we move towards some more happier times, remember the flip side of the coin.
Enjoy the sun, but remember to carry an umbrella.