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Unlock Your Full Potential

A Step-by-Step Guide Inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s 13-Week Self-Improvement Plan

Mastery and self-improvement are key values for us at AGame Masterminds.  Staying still is no longer a viable option in the fast-paced world of business.  Having a structure to unlock your full potential can be the difference between success and stagnation. 

One of the most iconic figures who exemplified the power of personal development is Benjamin Franklin, a founding father of the United States and a polymath whose life was a testament to the pursuit of knowledge and self-betterment. Franklin’s 13 virtues, as outlined in his autobiography.  This remains a timeless guide for those seeking to cultivate a disciplined and purposeful life and he devised a personal improvement plan built around 13 virtues.

Franklin’s method was not merely about identifying these virtues.  He created a program to track how he measured against these virtues and focused on one virtue per week. Through this method he dedicated himself to incremental self-improvement over a 13 week period.

Why 13 weeks?  Well, the year is divided into 4x13 week periods (quarters, or seasons) and he could repeat this process 4 times a year. 

You can take inspiration from Franklin’s process and 13 virtues and apply them to your own self-improvement plan. While you don’t have to use the same specific virtues as Ben Franklin, the underlying principles of discipline, accountability, and continuous reflection remain the same

Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting your own and raise your game.

1. Identify Your Areas for Improvement

   Start by pinpointing the areas of your life or business that you’d like to improve. Whether it’s improving your leadership skills, boosting your productivity, or enhancing your health, clarity on what you want to improve is the first step.

2. Embrace the Power of a Season

   Just like Franklin’s 13 week plan fits into a ‘season’, consider focusing on self improvement over a season or quarter at a time. This is a manageable period but long enough that it allows you to dive deep without feeling overwhelmed.

3. Start from where you are

   Before you begin, score yourself in each of the chosen areas. This initial assessment will help you measure your progress over time and provide a clear starting point.  Don’t overthink the scoring.  Maybe try -2 to +2 e.g. awful, bad, meh, good, amazing or something similarly simple.

4. Plan Your Season

   Break down your improvement plan into weekly focuses. Each week, dedicate your efforts to one specific area.  This gives you the opportunity to take ‘bite’ sized but consistent steps towards self-improvement.

5. Record and Reflect

   Tracking your progress is crucial. Maybe use a notebook or a digital tool to note down daily wins and lessons.  A bullet journal is a great tool for this.  Regular reflection helps you stay on track and adjust your plan as needed.

6. Accountability is Key

   Find someone to share your goals and progress with—a friend, a mentor, or even a social media community. Accountability increases your commitment and provides a support system to keep you motivated.

7. Assess and Adapt

   At the end of the season, reassess your progress. Score yourself again in each area and reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and what could be improved. This retrospective view will inform the next cycle of your self-improvement journey.  If you have chosen subset that fits nicely into a 12 week period, then you have the 13th week to use for this.  But do remember to celebrate the achievement!

8. Rinse and Repeat

   Self-improvement is a continuous process. After assessing your progress, make the necessary adjustments and start the cycle again.  You can either pick another set of improvement areas, or repeat the same.  For instance, you could set a year on improving one set of areas, then the next on something else, and so on.

By following this simple yet effective framework, you can steadily improve every aspect of your life or business. Remember, continuous growth is the key to long-term success, and with a clear plan in place, you’re well on your way to unlocking your full potential.  

Download a simple step-by-step guild here.

For more structured guidance and support, consider joining signing up to the waitlist to be part of the next Built to (Out)Last Mastermind, a 4 season program where like-minded individuals come together to grow and succeed in their business and personal endeavours.
